About Us

The music of Afghanistan comprises many varieties of classical music, folk music, and modern popular music. Afghanistan has a rich musical heritage and features a mix of melodies, sounds, and languages. The sound of rubab, dambura, and tabla is our shared history and part of our cultural identity.
Any Afghan music lover must have noticed that it can be very hard if not impossible to find lyrics to many of our favorite songs that we all want to sing along to. Most of the lyrics that can be found out there are often of very low quality.
Afghanlyric.com is a celebration of Afghan music and culture. We have made it our mission to create the largest internet database of high-quality Afghan song lyrics. Afghanlyric.com is backed by a team of dedicated Afghan music enthusiasts that is dedicated to reach our mission.
New song lyrics are added to the site daily. Meanwhile we have a huge ongoing task of quality assurance of lyrics.
First step is to build up the database of song lyrics. Next step will be to allow our users to create personalized “Favorites” lists.
Feel free to contact us, if you have any questions or feedback for the Afghan Lyric Team.